Steller’s homepage presents a clean design, offering users the possibility to subscribe, access and view the creations of other users. It is recommended to download the mobile version, the only one that allows you to create contents.

The home page of the Steller application in the mobile version confirms the clean design and gives the possibility to register, access or continue as a guest.

In the Home you can preview the stories created by other users, and see the number of Likes and comments received. The lower bar allows us to navigate between home, search, notifications and profile.

The search section displays various categories to explore the other users’ creations. You can also follow some users to stay up to date on new published content.

Through the "pencil" button, visible at the bottom right corner, you can create and upload content in three simple steps. After selecting a layout, let’s choose the images and videos to import in the presentation and fill in the parts of text: the story is ready to be shared.

In the personal profile section you can view your stories, saved drafts and possible collections of stories created by us. It is also possible to change user information, change the picture of the profile, the background image, insert a biography or a link to an external website.

This is a graphic story of 30 slides shared by the user DeeLestari, it collected 2,764 likes and 355 shares. At the end of each story, the user profile presentation appears, to allow to easily follow the authors.

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