In the fourth teaching period of September-December 2024, the Artificial Intelligence and teaching module: first activities is scheduled for November 18th.
AppInventory for Education training includes thematic modules, with a laboratory setting, which allow teachers to directly experiment with digital tools and products to use in their teaching activities.
The objectives of the module are:
provide teachers of all levels with some stimuli on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) applied to teaching and learning processes.
The activities included in the module are:
experimentation of some tools considered particularly useful for designing contents and activities;
discussion on the educational implications related to the use of AI tools. in a school context and possible activities to undertake with students for a more conscious and stimulating use of these technologies.
For those who wish to delve deeper into the process, a second module is also available which continues with the experimentation of further tools.
Scheduled meetings
November 18, 2024
Online on the MSTeams platform
AppInventory for Education is designed and created by the SASWEB Laboratory of the Department of Mathematical, Computer and Physical Sciences of the University of Udine and promoted by CIRD (Interdepartmental Center for Educational Research) of the University of Udine.
The project, supported by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Regional School Office of FVG and the ISIS Magrini Marchetti of Gemona del Friuli, is part of the Regional Program for the Digital School in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021-2025.