Meetings in schools: Digital innovation for teaching!

Posted on in AppInventory4Edu

Our new free training module ”Meetings in schools” is out: an opportunity to learn about the most useful apps for teaching with AppInventory!

It will be held in schools that request it, agreeing on a day between Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the period from 24 September to 24 October:

-in attendance for the schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia;

-via videoconference for schools outside the region.

Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes (corresponding to 3 academic hours).

To request this meeting, you will need to fill out the following form, as an expression of interest. Our team will then contact the registered schools to define and confirm the days and times of the training meeting.

It is required that the school involves the largest possible number of teachers, who will receive a certificate for the hours of training carried out. 

Priority will be given to schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia and the date of registration and the number of teachers involved will also be taken into account.

For further details, write to us at

In case of interest, it will be possible to organize a further workshop module with the school, scheduled for the following teaching period (January – March 2025), which will offer in-depth analysis on the specific use of the most relevant apps for teachers.

Calendario stampabile del IV periodo didattico

Locandina stampabile del progetto

Pagina del progetto sul sito appinventory

AppInventory for Education, promoted by the @regionefvg, the Regional School Office of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the @isismagrinimarchetti of Gemona del Friuli, is part of the Regional Program for the Digital School in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021-2025.

The project is conceived and implemented by the SASWEB Laboratory of the Department of Mathematical, Computer and Physical Sciences of the @universitadiudine and promoted by CIRD (Interdepartmental Center for Educational Research) of the University of Udine.

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