Platform update
Given the rapid evolution of the features offered by the applications, the related user interfaces and the plans of use offered, it is not guaranteed that the information provided is always up-to-date. We kindly invite users to help us keep the platform up-to-date by reporting any differences from the current versions of the app, by posting a comment in the appropriate section of each application’s information sheet. We will do our best to update the information on the card.
The descriptions of the applications that are no longer accessible due to the closure by the developers, are still visible within the categories, marked as “dismissed” and colored in gray.
Images credits
The images used on the homepage were created by vectorjuice and distributed on
The icons used were created by Freepik and distributed on
- Languages for the Web: HTML5, CSS3, SVG, ECMAScript2015, PHP7
- D3js – Data-driven documents library
- MySql – Database Management System
- WordPress – Content Management System
- Google reCAPTCHA – Protection from spam and abuse
- Bowser – Browser detection library
- Levenshtein.js – String distance computing
All the material produced for this catalog is made available with license
Attribuzione – Non commerciale – Condividi allo stesso modo