Presentation meeting of the fourth period of AppInventory4Edu!

Posted on in AppInventory4Edu

The new educational period of the AppInventory for Education project is upon us and for this reason a presentation meeting of the fourth period of AppInventory has been organised!

The meeting aims to present the new features, resources and tools adopted in the fourth period.

The meeting will be held online on 12 September 2024, from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm.

The meeting is open to school managers, digital animators and teachers of schools of all levels.

Don’t miss this opportunity for professional growth!

AppInventory for Education, promoted by the @regionefvg, the Regional School Office of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the @isismagrinimarchetti of Gemona del Friuli, is part of the Regional Program for the Digital School in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021-2025.

Sign up now at the following link:

The project is conceived and implemented by the SASWEB Laboratory of the Department of Mathematical, Computer and Physical Sciences of the @universitadiudine and promoted by CIRD (Interdepartmental Center for Educational Research) of the University of Udine.